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Monday 29 July 2019

Ten Things Parents Do Many Regrets Later in Life

As parents always want to see good children, the kids are successful. But because of this high level, sometimes he does an unintentional emotional act until his age The oldest regret is too late. Like the following 10 things that most parents have been doing, and if ever, they should stop To avoid regrettable in the future.

1. There is less contact with children
Young children can grow well because of communicating with adults and parents are important to Contribute to the growth of the baby. On the contrary, because of busy work, parents often work for their children nearby.

But if you do this to become a habit, your child will be lonely and you can see that you have grown up. With themselves, the relationship with parents can also be reduced.

2. Do not hug enough babies
Scientists have suggested that hugs are important in both physical and mental aspects. In addition to warmth, hugging can give you both intimacy. Everyone knows these advantages, but most parents do not spend much time kissing more babies No, for that reason, or because the old saying goes "Do not over-treat your baby too, be careful;

If you really do not hug each other at this time, when they grow up they will not let you hug Also. This is no wonder why you are not close to you.

3. Have not taken photos or videos with children

Some parents are so busy that they are not photographed with small children. Mostly, even if the photographer only shoots pictures with children, or with others, without self-blessing or kissing There is nothing worse than no photo together, as you can not call back the old days Just sit back and watch old photos and smile. At the very least, missing a child or a child may be able to pull photos, take photos, or watch videos, but even if there are no more photos Too awkward.

4. Do not spend time with creative kids with kids

It does not mean that playing a cognitive game does not justify the child No. The fact that gaming uses thought or creativity can help children to think long, tolerant, and capable. Make your next makeup something that you do not expect. It is important if you can teach them to do these things, but few parents think of things This is because of factors such as less time.

In other words, playing this game allows you to know the abilities and talents of the kids, which are clearly easy to navigate. . That's why many parents do not know about their children's talents and drive them to what they want. Do not want to hurt your child.

5. Restrict too much

Parents of teachers want to see good kids, but some are too strict. To become a pressure that can make children feel scared or lie about the fear of punishment. Or blame parents.

6. Too loose to too
The word "too" is never good. If you think that your child is too strict and is too lazy to do anything you want to ask Nothing gives children a lack of thought, but Mom, Dad help them grow up, they can not do What you do not know is old enough to not apologize or thank you.

So we should balance the way things are to the child. If they do good, commend, if they make mistakes, punish them, but they should prove their weaknesses, rather than wrong. Immediately punish them so they could no longer do anything.

7. Never leave word of mouth to children

Most mothers often think that their words are always correct and do not care about the children's emotions and words. . Some of them put out the words, "Do not you know what to do?" Or "older people know more", discourage children from speaking. Doing this over and over again, you do not dare to tell your dad to tell your dad to be like a friend. The person you are reading outside. That's why some parents wonder why when you have problems do not come to consult with you, because The reasons are above.

8. There is no time to bring some fun kids

Emotional factors also play an important role in the development of children. Parents should know that if children are able to grow up in a good environment, have a warm temperament and experience new experiences Then they will be able to grow up to be wise, wise, and decisive.

9. Loved listening to the words of others on their own

It's normal for you to hear different words from people around you evaluating Your kids. But be sure that you know your children well, not always listen to them speak without a good foundation. On the other hand, adopting a child to be with other children is also a cause of frustration and frustration The pressure for them too.

Over time, they will no longer be their own, but think of themselves as bad ones or forget to think The goal that it really wants is because of all these words.

10. The main time has never been the face with child

Young children want warmth and fun with their parents. Especially with any special programs or opportunities, children want to be closer to their parents than anyone else. So, take the time to have more children and show them that their parents do not leave them He's always worth the wait.
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Friday 30 November 2018

Breakfast you should avoid if you do not want to have stomach trouble

Breakfast is an important meal that helps the body start the day. However, not all foods should be eaten at this meal. The following foods should be avoided at breakfast when the stomach is hungry. Because it can cause bad effects on your stomach.

1. The fruit has a sour taste
Fruits of the sweet taste should be avoided when it is empty. It is highly acidic and can irritate the stomach if it is eaten right now. Eat some fruits, such as orange juice and citrus fruits, as hunger increases acidity in the stomach for a long time, leading to acid reflux or ulcer. To avoid harming your health, you should use these fruits after about one hour of breakfast.

2. Carbonated beverages
Carbonated beverages are not a good drink for breakfast. Drinking it when hungry can cause abdominal pain or abdominal pain. The high sugar content of fresh water also increases the feeling of fatigue. Instead of drinking carbonated beverages, choose healthy beverages for breakfast, such as milk or hot water.

3. Coffee
Many people think that drinking morning coffee helps keep the mind fresh. But this is a bad habit that affects the stomach. Empty coffee on the stomach increases the concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. And you will feel like vomiting the bowel or gastrointestinal tract.

4. Fried foods
High-fat foods should reduce the use of breakfast. Eating fried foods when your stomach is empty also makes you more susceptible to digestive problems. Simple, non-ferrous food will provide the stomach benefits for breakfast.

5. Spicy food
Spicy food is not good for breakfast because it will be easier to burn if you eat spicy foods. Spicy foods also increase the acid levels and cause stomach trouble so you should avoid spicy food at breakfast.

Some foods should be avoided for breakfast so as not to hurt the stomach.
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Friday 27 July 2018

Wife should know how to tie for your husband!

Some men's jobs are required to wear uniforms with belts every day. Some women think this is not so important because they can make their own. However, as a woman, you know how to tie your neck as a part that can help you to love you The more sweet you are, the happier and more proud you are with your wife. Although some do not need to wear their necks every day, at least women should Know how to tie these four necklaces to keep them in touch when going to the program Each time.

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Wednesday 25 July 2018

The seven dangerous actions that you make every day are unconscious

Small everyday activities that are sometimes hard to ignore at all, can be dangerous A big mistake that affects both beauty and health. To avoid all the mistakes, she will tell you all seven of the main things you should not do Loss.
1. Cover your hands when coughing or sneezing
If you cover your face with a cough or sneeze, contaminated skin will stick to your face Affect the face. It can also cause burns if you put your hand in the lid. When a squeeze is taken, a clean towel or a tissue will not rub up.

2. Cut the nail without root
Nails have layers like tile, so when you cut your nails, it can make your nails start to crack and Easily break. The correct way is that if the nails are too long, they should be cut to a slim shape and the nail bracket Get good results.

3. Draw the inner eye
The pencil hand or brush for use with the Liquid Liner, which you draw, is a sticky bacteria. When you paint on the inside, it has a great effect on the eyes. You should replace Eye shadows and draw them away from the eyes.

4. Nose triggers
Your hand has invisible bacteria that are not visible. Therefore, handing the nerve to the nose seems to send the bacteria into it.

5. Brush with Gel Regularly
Using a regular body scrub Gel is not good for skin health because it can not get rid of bacteria like Soap does not wash. It's good to use one or two brushing gels once a week.

6. Too much toothpaste
Too much toothbrush removal makes the skins do not clean the teeth properly. You should use the appropriate amount.

7. Use excessive toning cream
Silicone creams contain silicone that help smooth hair, but excessive use will make your hair more dirty. On the other hand, if the cream softens the hair against the scalp, it will penetrate the fur coat, causing the hair to become fragile and fragile. Grow well. After hair wash, apply it on the end.

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Monday 23 July 2018

Walking 30 minutes a day not only helps to lose weight, but also helps the feet and more

Walking is not just about exercise, but it's like getting vaccinated because it helps Extremely physical defense The walking is a normal move, but it is necessary to keep the body strong This means that you are moving your heart fast, keeping the sweat clean. Walking at least
1. Walking helps prevent obesity
Studies from Harvard University show that the majority of people who are obese are caused by genes, with 32 types of genes. Researchers studied 12,000 people with these genes, in which they required the genes to be obese. That's 1 hour a day, but the results show that it's working
2. Help walk hunger
A 30-minute walk or 15-minute running on the machine will help eliminate all your appetite. Walking helps control the brain to stop eating so much sweets that make you lose weight. Walking 30 minutes to 1 hour to avoid starving.
3. Reduce breast cancer risk
Studies show that women who spend seven hours or more per week are at risk for breast cancer % Lower than women who do not like to walk or move much.
4. Help strengthen the immune system
Walking or running only 30 minutes to 1 hour a day can help protect you from infections such as influenza In a study of 1,000 people, you show that you love walking or running a day Working 5 days a week helps them get less sick than the ones who often walk or run Fast.
5. Walk a lot, make your baby's legs creepy
Do not believe the rumors that running or walking make up the tumult of the leg saw big bad eyes. Walking helps to get rid of fat, helping to regrow the legs.

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Saturday 21 July 2018

Want to be the best girlfriend for him Do not overlook this 7 points

Anyone wants to be a good girlfriend, but sometimes the circumstances make you hard, no good people 10 But if you can be a good girl, you should do it. If you want to be a girlfriend that everyone deserves, you should fill these seven points:
1. Be his best friend
The most important thing is you have to be his best friend. Then he will share everything with the discussion with you all the time and need you the most.
2. Open as open and honest as possible
You have to show him that what you say is true, telling what he wants to know without mysterious things. Do not expect them to be loyal to you, if you are not loyal to them, the most meaningful romance is romance. With the trust.
3. Give her freedom and her time
Give him time to do what he wants to do, love you will not have any tensions or pressure. Knowing the boundaries you have, do not overdo it.
4. Take your heart in your heart
Sometimes freedom is not enough. The important thing is to have your heart set He is in any circumstance. Then you know what he's experiencing and how he feels.
5. Love to read friends and family

Show him that his important people are also important to you. And this is also the important point you must do because they will not love you too much if you are not satisfied Their friends.
6. Make him feel that you trust him
Confidence must be on both sides, you not only trust him, but trust him as well. If you do not trust him too much, do not give him a cut Trust him.
7. Pay attention
He listens to listeners, paying attention to him all the time and giving him more than anyone else Let him feel that every word he speaks is meant for you.
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Friday 20 July 2018

5 points, Women can influence men more than beauty

Everyone wants to be self-sufficient and wants the same people, but nature can not come as we do No one wants. However, what is important is what is important to us, not just beauty, but more. For women, beauty is only part of something, but what is so powerful is that it captures the human heart. :

1. Using the lens
A woman's eye is able to pierce the human heart so you have to use it well. You should not have a look at the man, you should increase your credibility and look at your eyes, not the least. . On the other hand, when a man looks at his eyes, it is always a sense of attractiveness.

2. Focus
Beauty is one of the first men to look at, but does not necessarily mean attracting a human heart No. Focusing on women's feelings is one of the main things because when you focus on asking questions and worrying More from that time, your face will emerge gradually in the brain.

3. Feel good and refreshing
A refreshing and happy girl is a woman that a man needs and wants to be near. Remember, the man wants to be near you, not to get you into trouble or frustration, but to be near you Get a good and fun feeling. That's why the refreshing woman is not a hobby of men, but it does not mean to be childish.

4. Be yourself
What nature is like, do not try to change yourself. When you try to perform, you will look awkward and say that there is no special thing because you are not You. Men like women who do not hide their behavior and do what they like because they look lovely.

5. To the people around you
Good or bad people do not have to look too much, just look around people. Is there a love lover or not? Or can you watch your behavior on others, are you good for everyone? Or is it just good for a person to just be interested? These are all very important points for men.

Do not think that pretty women can get the boy's heart, because there's more to it than that.
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Saturday 14 July 2018

6 ways to help you lose your thigh and hip fat without exercising

Each girl has an uneven body. Some of them are big, big, big legs, but the belly, some thin, but there are large limbs, hip legs, That does not look right. To lose weight in a healthy body, all that women need to do is to get regular exercise. But for women who do not have the time of exercise, try the following tips to have a good thigh, hip, hip:

1. Do not eat sugar
Absolutely avoid eating sugar, such as desserts, ice cream or sweetened cow's milk. High in sugar, high calories make you obese so if you want to eat sweet, eat fruit instead.

2. Reduce starchy foods
Food, such as bread, bread, or rice, which is a nutritious food, many can not be lacking. You are determined to do it to lose weight so try to reduce or if you can not eat it if you can. Within 12 weeks, you can lose 5kg, fat in the thigh and hips as a drop. And they will be ruined.

3. Drink plenty of water
Water is very beneficial, it helps to wash your body, it also helps to keep you from starving, idiotic That keeps your weight.

4. Put pepper in food
You definitely know that black pepper helps you lose weight quickly and well. Black pepper helps speed the burn system. Destroy your calories that help you lose weight faster.

5. Eat more often than once
You can eat 4 or 5 servings a day, but do not eat too much, just as you eat enough. And afterwards, reduce the quantity of food less and less.

6. Sit in the book
This method is very effective for you wanting small legs. Just sit quietly and hold a bookmark like in the photo for 30 minutes to 1 hour every day Get a little cobra.
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Wednesday 11 July 2018

Dead will mean if you have done these things

In life, one must face two major things: life on Earth and death . No matter how much wealth you have, life is lost in the same way. That's why you have to consider what to do while staying alive There is no life in it for nothing to die and to die.

1. Take a walk through the streets

You do not have to plan too many complicated things. Sometimes walking, watching nearby scenes, playing songs, singing in a loud car, and eating It's been a pleasure to meet with a few friends.

2. Travel alone
Traveling with family or friends is common, but if you are traveling alone, wherever you want Ultimately, you will experience the unique taste and newness that has never been seen before.
3. Do your favorite job
Life is somewhat, do not cuddle with work you do not like. Try to do whatever you think is best for you, and do not worry about your words It's too much, because the path you choose plays it in your hand and your own decision. </s>
4. Do something adventure
When saving money, there is a test of what you think is not like jumping down. From high ground, biking, hiking and camping, if you can overcome all the fears That's really great.
5. Volunteer work
Volunteering is something that everyone should do because it helps to better characterize it Better known and better known by outside society, can especially learn the culture of sharing Whether it is more or less.
6. Confess to the people you love
Life Is Unique, Do not Die With Secret Tears To Confess To The People You Loved Even If You Accept As a result, knowing and knowing facts is better than hiding, which can make you clutter.
7. Donate
Donations do not only mean that you have a lot of money, you have a lot to offer, like donating. Blood supply of some clothes and educational materials or supplies to children and the poor living In remote areas.
8. Do not owe money to others
If they have to borrow money, they have to give back their money to the next generation.
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Tuesday 10 July 2018

Girls lose their beauty because of all these mistakes

Beautiful women are fashionable, fashionable and fashionable, but if you always do this for yourself then your beauty Also lost to that. The following 9 things should not be overlooked, since you can look older than usual:

1. Do not leave hair in a different color

Do not leave long hair colorless and hair new, you should paint only one color. For example, the black hair should not be black, the bottom of the color is the same color hair from the end to the stem.

2. Do not put rubber on your wrist

Many women wear a rubber or strapless dress to tie them in their wrists for ease of handling and binding. When they want.

3. Do not tie the hair bend

Hairdressing or folding in hot or intense weather is the best option for friends and ladies. But such designs can not make the hair wet because it causes the hair to be damaged and dry, no longer shaking.

4. Meat around the nail

Some women did not notice the skin around the nails. Even though it is small, it also influences interest around us. Take time to cut your nails and surrounding tissues often and apply lotion to soft, smooth hands.

5. Do not use a bag at the same time

Of these two, you can only use one. If you hold a large bag or bag, it makes you look messy in the eyes of others.

6. Undo straps

Even if the color of the coat is the same as the shirt you wear outside, it is less attractive and even worse if the hand Red shirt and black jacket.

7. Dry skin

The most essential of the sisters is the maintenance of the skin, not drying up and looking moist. If you have dry skin, you will look old and have a different wrinkle.

8. Do not let the hair break

Even if you want to keep your hair long, every month you should cut a bit at the end so that the hair grows longer.

9. Do not use smooth creams

Smooth cream can be painted only inside and outside, you should apply a different color cream, which is water or sterile.
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