Saturday 14 July 2018

6 ways to help you lose your thigh and hip fat without exercising

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Each girl has an uneven body. Some of them are big, big, big legs, but the belly, some thin, but there are large limbs, hip legs, That does not look right. To lose weight in a healthy body, all that women need to do is to get regular exercise. But for women who do not have the time of exercise, try the following tips to have a good thigh, hip, hip:

1. Do not eat sugar
Absolutely avoid eating sugar, such as desserts, ice cream or sweetened cow's milk. High in sugar, high calories make you obese so if you want to eat sweet, eat fruit instead.

2. Reduce starchy foods
Food, such as bread, bread, or rice, which is a nutritious food, many can not be lacking. You are determined to do it to lose weight so try to reduce or if you can not eat it if you can. Within 12 weeks, you can lose 5kg, fat in the thigh and hips as a drop. And they will be ruined.

3. Drink plenty of water
Water is very beneficial, it helps to wash your body, it also helps to keep you from starving, idiotic That keeps your weight.

4. Put pepper in food
You definitely know that black pepper helps you lose weight quickly and well. Black pepper helps speed the burn system. Destroy your calories that help you lose weight faster.

5. Eat more often than once
You can eat 4 or 5 servings a day, but do not eat too much, just as you eat enough. And afterwards, reduce the quantity of food less and less.

6. Sit in the book
This method is very effective for you wanting small legs. Just sit quietly and hold a bookmark like in the photo for 30 minutes to 1 hour every day Get a little cobra.

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