In order not to be in debt, it is difficult to find a new couple, or a couple should know how to use the money properly. Borrowing money in the most urgent or necessary circumstances can be inevitable, but Some things, if not necessary or urgent, should not be used to use them, as it can lead to a split The more money you spend and the more time you buy, the harder it will be.
1. Buy a car
Riding a car is something that can be fun and easy for a family, especially for a baby. But if you have to borrow money or borrow money from a bank, it can make your mind less relaxed or happy. This car is not. What is the cost of gasoline repayments with interest and money for repairs?Anyway, if you need to buy a car because of having a small child or having to go away, you should consider borrowing Parents or relatives may not be able to charge as much money as others or banks. If the price is too high, buying should consider the reasonable price that it can afford to pay monthly, and can prevent some For any moment.
2. Get married to them
Of course, once you get married, you have to be immersed, have a lot of guests and admire, but you also have to watch. On its ability and ability. If there is a lot of money for spending it does not matter, but if the money is limited and wants to be big Run to lend to do so at the end of the ceremony you can smile, no longer be happy. To get married, to earn a living, how can one be happy?
3. Buy wedding ring / wedding
No matter what the second point above, anyone who does not want to be nice does not want to be on their special day. But seeing elephants do not bother elephants, just look at their own ability first. Some
people are willing to pay for a wedding ring ring to their loved ones
but only when married and have problems with each other. This is because of the money.
4. To vacation
Holidays, especially in the summer, everyone has to spend time and leisure time to enjoy. So if you want to go out and play, you do not have money and you are willing to borrow money, you can enjoy it at the moment Staying on vacation, but coming back may be exhausted because of making a return.
Monday, 18 June 2018
Do not want to sit upset! The couple should not borrow money to buy this four things
18 June