Wednesday, 20 June 2018

Before going to bed, if you still have this habit, be careful


The arrival of Arctic is the time when everyone has to give birth to save for the next day. But if you have all the pre-habits described below, it's not good, as it is very dangerous for your health. Want to know what these bad habits have to follow up with Miss:

1. Drinking coffee four hours before bedtime: Very bad caffeine makes you sleepy or sleeps and the next morning you will No force to work. If so, you will have no sleep.

2. Sleep Not Position: Many people do not drop to the left while the right location is not healthy for health. Experts recommend sleeping on the left side because it is a good place to rest.Icon

3. Keep the bedside device: If you keep your phone or other electronics nearby, sleep may not be sold by flashing. From the screen.

4. Unread books: Some take time when scrolling through the book. You should not do this, because sometimes a bad image or video can interfere with your brain and cause you to fall asleep.

5. Avoid ringing alarms: Light or something similar can pull your attention away and interfere with sleep. Because some people, even when putting an alarm, still do not trust it, it does not ring up to make the sleep deprived. A good way should be to set yourself up for a certain hour without disturbing sleep.

6. Do not drink 1 hour before bed: Drinking water before bedtime makes you wake up to the bathroom frequently and sleep in the morning. Open unwanted eyes.

7. Avoid sleeping in the afternoon: If you sleep late in the afternoon, you will find it hard to sleep until midnight. If so, you will not be able to grasp this morning.

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